VISUAL GOES VIRTUAL S H OP ON L I N E AT ZENGENI US . COM F O R V I S UA L M ERC HA N D I S I N G SU PPOR T & SUPPLIES Visual merchandising is going virtual as physical spaces evolve and online retailing takes the mainstage. With a full range of visual merchandising supplies and support, you can find the perfect mannequin, signage package to communicate new messages, or virtually educate and engage your team with customized training workshops. Even schedule extra sets of helping hands to execute e-commerce styling or implement in-store visual merchandising programs. VISUAL M ERC H AN DI S I N G I N - STORE , ON L I N E A N D EV ERY W HER E IN B E T W EEN info@zengeniu * 614 220 9040 Engage, inspire and excite your team no matter where they are. Shipped to your location of choice, the ZenGenius Virtual Iron Merchant Challenge DIY Box has all the supplies needed to host your very own creative challenge. Or, let us create a one-of-a-kind virtual event for you. Scan the QR code with your mobile phone camera to learn more or order yours today.http://www.ZENGENIUS.COM