LOOK BOOK CALLING ALL MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS Spotlight your latest products to more than 18,000 retailers and 6,800 contract design and architectural firms through the pages of VMSD. VMSD's LOOK BOOK features a curated showcase of the best retail products from lighting and materials to fixtures, mannequins and props. SHOWCASE YOUR PRODUCTS IN VMSD'S LOOK BOOK Submit your product information today, and you could receive exposure in this upcoming issue, connecting with thousands of retail design professionals looking for innovative products for their upcoming projects. Best of all, it's free. l Submit a product for consideration deadline: October 16, 2020 LOOK BOOK VMSD January/February 2021 Issue See all the details at vmsd.com/look-book. Submit your new and noteworthy products today for consideration.http://www.vmsd.com/look-book