AAIA Factbook 2011 - (Page 86)

ChInese auToMoTIve afTerMarkeT In recent years, China has achieved substantial growth in both vehicle production and sales and has emerged as a leading player in the global automotive industry. China has also experienced growth in motor vehicle ownership, with its vehicle parc reaching 53.8 million vehicles in 2009. Total U.S. auto parts imports from China dropped 18.8% from $6.9 billion in 2008 to $5.6 billion in 2009. However, during the four year period from 2005 to 2009, the compounded growth increased 1.9%. The chemicals and lubricants category experienced the largest growth rate (94.6 percent), while brake component imports experienced the largest decline in growth rate (53.6 percent) over the same four years. U.S. auto parts exports to China, on the other hand, increased 21.8% from $522.7 million in 2008 to $636.7 million in 2009. Compounded annually over four years, tires and wheels have experienced the largest growth (50.9 percent), while brake component exports have seen the largest decline (60.5 percent). Chinese economic Data, 2009 Population Population Growth Rate Labor Force (in millions) Labor Force as a % of Total Population Unemployment Rate GDP/Capita (PPP) GDP (billions) GDP (Real Growth Rate) Note: Population data estimated as of July 2009. 1,338,612,968 0.7% 812.7 60.7% 4.3% $6,500 $4,758.0 8.7% Sources: Inflation Rate (Consumer Prices) Total Roadways (in km) Total Paved Roadways (in km) Total U.S. Imports of Automotive Parts Total U.S. Exports of Automotive Parts Vehicle Parc People Per Vehicle -0.8% 3,583,715 1,575,571 $5,624,858,669 $636,747,831 53,829,623 24.9 AAIA, The CIA World Factbook, U.S. International Trade Commission, R. L. Polk & Co. u.s. Imports of automotive Parts from China (u.s. Dollars) Compounded Annual Growth Rate (2005-2009) 13.8% 7.8% 15.4% -13.0% 11.0% 4.6% 15.8% 9.6% 29.7% -53.6% 94.6% -8.4% 1 .9% Component Tires and Wheels Engine Components Body Parts Radio Electronic Components Lighting and Electrical Undercar and Drivetrain Glass and Mirror Tool and Equipment Air Conditioning Brake Components Chemicals and Lubricants Other Components Total U .S . Imports from China Note: 2005 $1,044,476,529 $626,087,098 $244,570,019 $657,737,893 $179,252,851 $174,230,624 $83,751,630 $78,791,795 $34,298,779 $163,292,058 $9,278 $1,934,585,232 $5,221,083,786 2006 $1,328,918,325 $801,409,486 $330,158,362 $711,670,518 $204,837,100 $304,937,072 $127,244,544 $95,582,187 $50,896,092 $221,354,734 $19,045 $2,557,295,702 $6,734,323,167 Source: 2007 $1,807,685,375 $1,007,048,906 $461,609,028 $630,796,409 $259,335,785 $300,553,152 $149,085,771 $115,583,546 $69,372,436 $7,219,344 $52,501 $2,022,399,780 $6,830,742,033 2008 $1,991,518,650 $1,102,283,554 $510,256,014 $519,073,073 $307,477,686 $283,557,496 $151,558,277 $130,767,391 $77,528,983 $6,317,263 $34,547 $1,821,207,484 $6,901,580,418 2009 $1,754,266,612 $846,932,218 $433,480,613 $377,288,621 $271,817,612 $208,869,904 $150,703,956 $113,735,567 $96,978,833 $7,597,842 $133,109 $1,363,053,782 $5,624,858,669 Historical data have been revised. U.S. International Trade Commission u.s. exports of automotive Parts to China (u.s. Dollars) Compounded Annual Growth Rate (2005-2009) 19.6% -4.0% 38.1% 15.7% 50.9% -7.5% 29.1% 40.0% 46.3% -17.6% -60.5% -42.9% -0 .9% Component Engine Components Undercar and Drivetrain Chemicals and Lubricants Body Parts Tires and Wheels Lighting and Electrical Tool and Equipment Glass and Mirror Air Conditioning Radio Electronic Components Brake Components Other Components Total U .S . Exports to China Note: 2005 $121,798,635 $87,055,979 $34,163,160 $41,964,897 $5,359,258 $36,212,078 $4,083,844 $2,455,847 $721,618 $7,017,283 $17,810,501 $301,683,471 $660,326,571 2006 $135,378,315 $105,547,102 $33,584,323 $65,599,751 $11,353,111 $34,352,215 $2,946,397 $5,526,477 $4,454,750 $10,349,959 $38,286,365 $403,109,591 $850,488,356 Source: 2007 $249,619,584 $77,414,867 $51,050,161 $56,001,603 $20,675,642 $25,330,986 $2,833,760 $7,156,010 $4,563,682 $3,742,233 $572,937 $47,845,197 $546,806,662 2008 $217,237,135 $82,140,046 $70,696,786 $34,642,124 $29,866,030 $28,082,706 $10,022,252 $9,424,187 $3,534,155 $3,365,741 $320,491 $33,412,755 $522,744,408 2009 $249,302,165 $73,867,334 $124,375,194 $75,208,266 $27,778,993 $26,463,661 $11,361,034 $9,427,003 $3,302,854 $3,237,245 $432,397 $31,991,685 $636,747,831 Historical data have been revised. U.S. International Trade Commission 86 2 0 1 1 d i g i t a l a f t e rma rk et f a ctbo o k c o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 0 a uto mo ti ve a f terma rk et i ndust ry associat ion http://pages.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/aaia/factbook2011/docs/Page86-ChineseAftermarket.xls

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AAIA Factbook 2011

AAIA Factbook 2011
Table of Contents
Economic Indicators
Key Economic Indicators
Aftermarket Employment
Technician Employment and Wages
U.S. Motor Vehicle Aftermarket
Introduction to the Channel Forecast Model
2010 to 2012 Forecast Assumptions
U.S. Motor Vehicle Aftermarket
Aftermarket Sales History and Forecast 2002 to 2012
Aftermarket Sales by Distribution Channel
Automotive Aftermarket Segmentation
Aftermarket Service and Retail Channels
Aftermarket Service and Retail Outlet Analysis
Program Distribution Summary
Financial Indicators
Financial Profiles of Selected Aftermarket Companies
Aftermarket Mergers and Acquisitions
Automotive Aftermarket
Consumer Profile
Sales of Replacement Tires
Replacement Rates for Motor Vehicle Parts and Jobs
Aftermarket Accessories
Chemicals and Fluids
Automotive Chemicals and Fluids
Aftermarket Segments
Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Aftermarket
Tool and Equipment Aftermarket
Paint, Body and Equipment Aftermarket
Bodyshop Business Industry Profile
Vehicle Sales, Usage and Registrations
U.S. Motor Vehicle Sales
Top 10 Light Vehicle Sales
U.S. Motor Vehicle Population
Hybrid Vehicles
Vehicle Operating Costs
Gasoline Affordability and Vehicle Miles Traveled
State Summary Statistics
Global Aftermarket
Global Economic and Automotive Data
Global Vehicle Registrations
Canadian Aftermarket
Mexican Aftermarket
Chinese Aftermarket
Glossary and Reference
Glossary of Aftermarket Terms
NAICS Definitions
Aftermarket Data Resources
AAIA Market Research
AAIA – Lang Market Comparison
Harmonization of Aftermarket Industry Data
The Lang Aftermarket Annual 2011

AAIA Factbook 2011
