OBSERVING November 2015 In This Section 38 Sky at a Glance 38 Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart 39 Binocular Highlight: Column #200 40 Planetary Almanac 41 Northern Hemisphere's Sky: In Praise of Pisces 44 Celestial Calendar 44 Taurid Fireball Alert 45 T Cas & Its Partner 45 Full Moon Occults Aldebaran 46 Action at Jupiter 46 The Coming Mars Apparition 47 Asteroid Occultation 42 Sun, Moon & Planets: The Morning Show 48 Exploring the Solar System: William Dawes' Jupiter PHOTOGRAPH: ADAM BLOCK / MOUNT LEMMON 50 Deep-Sky Wonders: Love of Night SKYCENTER / UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 53 Going Deep: Fresh Eyes Interacting galaxies NGC 678 and NGC 680 lie more than 20 million light-years away in Aries. NGC 678 appears almost edge-on, its nucleus visible just above a well-defined dust lane. The irregular shape of NGC 680 comes from the gravitational influence of its neighboring galaxy; see page 53. Additional Observing Article: 28 The Uneven Double Stars Project SkyandTelescope.com November 2015 37http://www.SkyandTelescope.com