◀ JUST PASSING THROUGH Scott Gauer The International Space Station crosses the Sun (near Active Region 12403) on August 22, 2015. Success required a precise setup location. Details: Explore Scientific ED102mm apochromatic refractor, Lunt Herschel wedge, and Imaging Source DMK41 CCD camera. Exposure: ⅓333 second captured at 15 frames per second. V Visit SkyandTelescope.com //gallery for more of our readers' astrophotos. BREADTH AND BEAUT Y Jerry Gardner This 5°-wide panorama in hydrogen-alpha light records the Orion Nebula (far right) and other showpiece objects. North is toward left. Details: Astro-Tech AT65EDQ apochromatic astrograph and Hutech-modified Canon EOS 6D camera at ISO 1600. Total exposure: 6.3 hours. Sk yandTelescope.com Februar y 2016 67http://www.SkyandTelescope.com/gallery http://www.SkyandTelescope.com/gallery http://www.SkyandTelescope.com