OBSERVING Sky at a Glance Using the Map c Fa in ¡ SS le ub er Do lust C IO b PE IA a _ Polaris ` a M S b 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 + 20 _ 19 ¡ 18 EU 17 ` 52 16 PH 15 CE 14 M11 S C U T U M Moon Aug 14 M16 M25 M17 + M 2 o c m M22 S A G IT T Galaxy ¡ Double star CORO N AUSTR A ALIS Variable star _ LYRA 13 Vega 12 M57 11 ` 10 21h b 9 SE ¡ 8 g R S 6 70 U 5 Albireo N 4 a R 3 b ¡ O S AT FR I THU 2 in WED c Fa TUE MON 1 NUS PHI US Last Qtr August 24 11:41 p.m. EDT e E C L I P T I C IC Full August 18 5:26 p.m. EDT 7 ` R First Qtr August 10 2:21 p.m. EDT _ P New August 2 4:44 p.m. EDT c UI LA A 30 Moon Phases S UN _ b SW f 61 DEL ULE S Northern ` LA r Cross CU d LPE Deneb _ VU TA M29 a IT C Y G N U S M27 S A G M39 a EQU Saturn a SE R (CA PEN UD A C W M Jupiter ` M2 SW air d M Au oon g1 7 S S Alt AQ ` IU AR Visible through August 14 W Mars CA TA M15 ¡ e SUNRISE ▶ U Venus AQ Mercury W _ SHOWN FOR LATITUDE 40° NORTH AT MID-MONTH MIDNIGHT S a ER d + c together very low in the west; see page 46. ◀ SUNSET ALIS LAC ` PEGASUS _ DUSK: Venus and Jupiter appear extremely close Planet Visibility OPARD A h Aldebaran mid-morning or early afternoon for much of the United States and Central America; see page 51. Facing East MORNING TO AFTERNOON: The Moon occults PISCES 0 6° long with Antares below and Saturn above, about halfway up the southwestern sky. Great Square of Pegasus 23, 24 EVENING: Mars forms a vertical line about 27 RO M ED _ LATE NIGHT TO DAWN: The Perseid meteor shower peaks on the morning of August 12th. Viewing should be best in the early morning hours; see page 48. 25 D M3 1 DAWN: On this or the next few mornings watch the east-southeast horizon about 20 minutes before sunrise for the heliacal rising (first visibility) of Sirius as it emerges from the Sun's glare. 11-12 AN mer Gamma (γ) Virginis in the west-southwest. 11 CAMEL a DUSK: The Moon hangs between Spica and dim- ` 7 g DUSK: Vivid Jupiter shines less than 2° above the waxing crescent Moon. EXACT FOR LATITUDE 40º NORTH. E 5 N about 15° below and right of Jupiter's gleam after sunset; use binoculars to tease them out. Edge 9° lower and farther right to find Venus. _ DUSK: The thin crescent Moon pairs with Mercury EU 4 3h the west about 20 minutes after sunset. Look 16° to its lower right for Mercury and another 8° lower right of Mercury for Venus. RS DUSK: Use binoculars to pick up Jupiter low in Go out within an hour of a time listed to the right. Turn the map around so the yellow label for the direction you're facing is at the bottom. That's the horizon. Above it are the constellations in front of you. The center of the map is overhead. Ignore the parts of the map above horizons you're not facing. PE 3 orth AUGUST 2016 A R IU S -40$ Open cluster Diffuse nebula 1 Globular cluster Planetary nebula Facing