260 243 250 252 262 PGC 748618 (183) PGC 748678 (173) 253 259 168 (reference star) GOING DEEP Above: This detailed CCD image of the compact galaxy group Hickson 91 in Piscis Austrinus reveals several spiral galaxies that display evidence of gravitational interaction, particularly the large, face-on spiral NGC 7214 at the middle right of the frame. ZOOM IN Left: Several spiral galaxies are seen in the field, though a faint, distorted object in the top left (inset) caught the interest of photographer Johannes Schedler. Right: Photometric measurements performed in MaxIm DL show many objects fainter than 20th magnitude in the area surrounding the distorted galaxy PGC 748618, including one object at magnitude 26.2. Magnitude values are shown to the nearest tenth, with decimal points omitted. Sk yandTelescope.com November 2016 69http://www.SkyandTelescope.com