Gallery ▶ ALDEBARAN COVER-UP Tunç Tezel The Moon has been occulting the star Aldebaran regularly, and the event on July 2nd occurred with a waning crescent in twilight 2 days before new. This sequence, shot every 2 to 3 minutes, shows the star (at far left) disappearing behind the Moon's bright limb. Details: Meade LX10 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and Canon EOS 6D DSLR camera at ISO 400. Exposures: ⅓20 second. ▾ UNEXPECTED AURORA Steve Irvine Although solar storms hadn't been widely predicted, a fine display appeared early on May 8th over Georgian Bay in southern Ontario. Details: Canon EOS 6D DSLR camera and 17-to-40-mm zoom lens used at 17 mm and ISO 3200. Exposure: 20 seconds. ✦ V Visit for more of our readers' astrophotos. o 76 December 2016 sky & telescope