GALLERY t CAROLINE'S ROSE Jaspal Chadha The rich open cluster NGC 7789 in Cassiopeia, about 8,000 light-years away, has a total magnitude of 6.7. Caroline Herschel discovered it in 1783. DETAILS: Takahashi TOA-130 apochromatic refractor and QSI 690 CCD camera used with LRGB filters. Total exposure: 2.3 hours. u TORTURED CLOUDS Frank Sackenheim Searing radiation from hot, young stars lights up and sculpts the clouds of NGC 6188 in the southern constellation Ara. At right is jewel-like NGC 6164. DETAILS: Takahashi FSQ-106ED astrograph, Moravian G3-16200 CCD camera, and Baader Hα and LRGB filters. Total exposure: 16 hours. q ICY RECEPTION Chris Schur Last October 14th, Comet ASASSN1 (C/2017 O1) was about 8th magnitude as it crossed Perseus. Its coma glowed blue-green in a view about 1° wide. DETAILS: Orion 10-inch Newtonian astrograph reflector, SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera, and Astrodon LRGB filters. Total exposure: 2 hours. Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images submitted to us by our readers. Send your best shots to See 72 M A RCH 2 018 * SK Y & TELESCOPE Visit for more of our readers' astrophotos.