50 HD 182601 SAGITTARIUS -22° Star magnitudes 7 31 Aug 4 8 12 Path 16 20 Dec 2 28 24 20 16 24 12 28 8 of P luto Sept 1 Nov 4 31 5 9 27 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 17 21 25 29 Oct 3 7 23 19 15 11 -22° 30' 19h 31m a good look on a good night. A 10- or 12-inch scope should capture the view, although if you're fortunate enough to have access to more aperture, use it. I find Pluto mostly takes time and patience. The star-hop moves slowly, and looking away from the eyepiece to sketch and back again slows things down even more. Use the charts here to plan your search. Black rectangles on the small key charts at right show the area covered by the next larger chart. The large chart above covers a bit more than 1° 19h 30m 19h 29m h m -21° 19 40 -22° 19h 28m 19h 30m Path of Plu to -23° S A G I T T A R I U S 19h 27m 19h 20m 50 Path of Pluto Star magnitudes 19h 32m 5 6 7 8 9 SAGITTARIUS of declination and shows the stars to magnitude 14.5. The date ticks on the large chart are for 0h Universal Time, which translates to late afternoon or evening hours of the date before for North America. s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . c o m * J U LY 2 0 1 9 49http://www.skyandtelescope.com