t ULTR AVIOLET VIEW Richard Schrantz Normally appearing as a featureless ball in visible light, Venus reveals dark and light cloud patterns in this image recorded at ultraviolet wavelengths. DETAILS: 10-inch Newtonian reflector with Imaging Source DMK 21AU04 video camera. Stack of 1,200 video frames recorded through a Schuler UV filter. q GAL A XIES GALORE Kfir Simon Spiral galaxies NGC 4151 (left) and NGC 4145 in Canes Venatici are relatively close to us at about 62 and 68 million light-years distant, respectively. That's close when compared to the hundreds of much more distant galaxies seen throughout the field. DETAILS: 16-inch f/3.75 Dream Astrograph with Apogee Alta U16M CCD camera. Total exposure: 5½ hours through LRGB filters. Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images that our readers submit to us. Send your best shots to gallery@skyandtelescope.org. See skyandtelescope.org/aboutsky/guidelines. Visit skyandtelescope.org/gallery for more of our readers' astrophotos. s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g * J U LY 2 0 2 0 77http://www.skyandtelescope.org/aboutsky/guidelines http://www.skyandtelescope.org/gallery http://www.skyandtelescope.org