We're excited to announce that our 60-megapixel CMOS camera is back in development, and with a brand new name! Welcome to the Apx60, formerly known as the CosMOS. The Apx60 maintains the original vision for the camera, utilising the Sony IMX455 full-frame CMOS sensor that is revolutionising amateur astronomy. 7KLVPHJDSL[HOVHQVRUKDVORZUHDGQRLVHKLJKTXDQWXPHIÀFLHQF\DQG 16-bit analogue-to-digital conversion. The Apx60 comes complete with high-performance cooling, DQWLFRQGHQVDWLRQDQGDQWLUHÁHFWLRQRSWLFVDVZHOODVLQVLWXOHYHOOLQJIRU easy adjustment. The camera has a large memory buffer to prevent image artefacts and dropped frames. Additionally, the Apx60 is compatible with our intuitive software, and offers Atik's customary premium build quality. The Apx60 is available to order NOW! See our website for details of our worldwide dealers, or to order direct. ATIK CAMERAS See the full Atik range at www.atik-cameras.comhttp://www.atik-cameras.com