MAY 2022 OBSERVING Lunar Almanac Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart 18 16 Yellow dots indicate which part of the Moon's limb is tipped the most toward Earth by libration. NASA / LRO May 3 4 MOON PHASES MON SUN 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 β M3 α ε FIRST QUARTER May 9 00:21 UT LAST QUARTER May 22 18:43 UT DISTANCES Apogee 405,285 km Perigee 360,301 km FULL MOON May 16 04:14 UT 0° NEW MOON May 30 11:30 UT May 5, 13h UT Diameter 29′ 29″ May 17, 15h UT Diameter 33′ 10″ FAVORABLE LIBRATIONS * Marinus Crater * Neumayer Crater * Schluter Crater * Main Crater 42 MAY 2022 * SKY & TELESCOPE Galaxy Double star May 3 May 4 May 16 May 18 -1 1 2 3 4 Planet location shown for mid-month USING THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE MAP Go out within an hour of a time listed to the right. Turn the map around so the yellow label for the direction you're facing is at the bottom. That's the horizon. The center of the map is overhead. Ignore the parts of the map above horizons you're not facing. Exact for latitude 40°N. -40° c i n g 13 C B TUE 4 11 18 25 WED 5 12 19 26 THU 6 13 20 27 FRI 7 14 21 28 Zenith SAT π γ CORONA BOREALIS E g -1 0 1 2 3 4 a Galaxy Double star Variable star Open cluster Diffuse nebula Globular cluster Planetary nebula Galaxy Double star Variable star Open cluster Diffuse nebula Globular cluster Planetary nebula β α γ S E M51 Mizar & Alcor r +60° Little Dipper γ η β URSA MINOR µ S IOPE IA r o N γ β 19h F a SCORP IUS M4 Antares c i n g α η π ε ζ β HERCULES δ µ α F c i n a s t δ χ α β ε a F g n c i CYGNUS Deneb M29 Northern Cross Albireo E N M52 α h t Spica 16h F a R M57 22h M27 V IRGO Moon May 15 ζ κ β CEPζHEUS δ ε Thuban DRACO Vega αLYRA ε M39 SAGI TTA VULPECULA M13 M92 AQUI LA BOÖTES Arcturus SERPENS (CAPUT ) M5 ι CEθNTAURUS LUPUS L IBRA α M12 M10 OPHIUCHUS δ α ζ IC4665 γ 70 SERPENS (CAUDA) η β α γ α α η γ β ε β δ π α β δ α γ β Moon May 12