GALLERY p A LITTLE ROSETTE Patrick Cosgrove A single main-sequence star at the heart of Sharpless 2-170 in Cassiopeia powers the pinkish glow of this faint emission nebula. DETAILS: Astro-Physics 130-mm StarFire GTX Gran Turismo and ZWO ASI2600MM Pro camera. Total exposure: 7 hours through ZWO LRGB and Astronomik narrowband filters. p GALACTIC DUET Drew Evans After a series of close encounters, M81 (left) and M82 (right) in Ursa Major have profoundly affected each other, resulting in vigorous star formation in the latter. DETAILS: Explore Scientific FCD100 Series 127-mm Triplet ED refractor with ZWO ASI2600MC and ASI2600MM Pro cameras. Total exposure: 291/2 hours through LRGB and Hα filters. THE STRAIGHT WALL Christian Viladrich Rupes Recta (center) is a linear rille near the southeastern edge of Mare Nubium (left) that stretches more than 100 km (62 miles). DETAILS: Astrosib RC500 RitcheyChrétien telescope with ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera. A stack of 900 frames recorded through a red filter. Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images that our readers submit to us. Send your best shots to See Visit for more of our readers' astrophotos. 78 JUNE 2022 * SKY & TELESCOPE