GALLERY u ANOTHER BARRED SPIRAL Ian Gorenstein Barred spiral galaxy M109 in Ursa Major is one of the most distant objects in Charles Messier's catalog. The galaxy's spiral arms are streaked with bright stellar nurseries. DETAILS: Celestron EdgeHD 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain and QHY268M CMOS camera. Total exposure: 7.5 hours through LRGB filters. q OVER THE PAINTED WALL Vince Farnsworth The Milky Way from Sagittarius (left) to Perseus (right) arches above Gunnison National Park's Painted Wall, the highest cliff in Colorado, in early September 2022. DETAILS: Canon EOS Rα camera and Canon 15-to-35-mm lens. Mosaic of several exposures, each 150 seconds at f/3.5, ISO 1600 for the sky and 1/2 second at f/11, ISO 400 for the foreground. Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images that our readers submit to us. Send your best shots to See Visit for more of our readers' astrophotos. 78 JULY 2023 * SKY & TELESCOPE