OBSERVING November 2023 1 EVENING: Algol shines at minimum brightness for roughly two hours centered at 10:12 p.m. EDT (see page 50). 2 EVENING: Face east-northeast to see the waning gibbous Moon rise alongside Gemini's bright lights, Castor and Pollux. The trio is arranged in a pleasing triangle, with the Moon placed a bit less than 6° right of the stars - that distance decreases as the night progresses. Turn to page 46 for more on this and other events listed here. 4 EVENING: Algol shines at minimum brightness for roughly two hours centered at 7:01 p.m. EDT. 2 a.m. for much of the U.S. and Canada. DAWN: The waning crescent Moon 5 6 is in Leo, some 5° above Regulus, while Venus blazes lower left of the pair. Look southeast to take in this sight. 9 MORNING: Night owls will be greeted by the sight of the lunar crescent and Venus rising with a mere ½° between them. Most of Europe and DAYLIGHT-SAVING TIME ENDS at 20 DUSK: Face south-southeast after sunset to see the first-quarter Moon gleaming about 5° below left of Saturn. Watch the pair become more conspicuous as twilight deepens. 21 EVENING: Algol shines at minimum brightness for roughly two hours centered at 7:55 p.m. PST (10:55 p.m. EST). 24 EVENING: Algol shines at minimum brightness for roughly two hours centered at 7:44 p.m. EST. pHundreds of bright, newly born stars illuminate NGC 604 in the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) in this composite Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray image. See the article on page 58 for more on this delightful object. X-RAY: NASA / CXC / CFA / R. TUELLMAN ET AL.; OPTICAL: NASA / AURA / STSCI / J. SCHMIDT 30 EVENING: The waning gibbous Moon, Pollux, and Castor climb above the east-northeastern horizon in a line. The Moon is less than 2° below right of Pollux. -DIANA HANNIKAINEN the Middle East as well as parts of northern Africa will witness a daytime occultation. 11 DAWN: The thin crescent Moon follows Spica by about 3° as they clear the east-southeastern horizon before sunrise. 18 MORNING: The Leonid meteor shower is predicted to peak. The waxing crescent Moon sets in the early evening and won't interfere with the viewing of this usually modest show. Page 49 has more information. 25 MORNING: The waxing gibbous Moon and Jupiter adorn the western horizon with some 2° between them. 26 EVENING: High above the southeastern horizon the almostfull Moon shines about 1° below the Pleiades in Taurus. Binoculars will let you see the cluster stars next to the dazzle of the Moon. 29 MORNING: Venus rises in tandem with Spica, Virgo's brightest star, with a bit more than 4° separating them. Face east-southeast to catch this sight. sk yand tele scope .o r g * NOVEMBER 2023 41http://skyandtelescope.com