NASA / ESA / CSA / STSCI CELESTIAL COLLAGE by Howard Banich A Deep Dive into Stephan's Quintet Let's visit the original compact group of galaxies. MAELSTROM OF GALAXIES This JWST infrared image of Stephan's Quintet was part of the first image release in July 2022 and shows five of the tightly grouped objects that make up this compact galaxy group - the first of its kind ever discovered. From top left and going clockwise they are: NGC 7319, NGC 7318A, NGC 7318B, NGC 7317, and NGC 7320. One of these galaxies - NGC 7320 at bottom - is in the foreground, but a sixth galaxy, just outside on the left of the image, is a gravitational member. There's a lot going on here! In this image, north is at 11 o'clock, but is up in all the other images featured here. 28 SEPTEMBER 2024 * SKY & TELESCOPE