t CHURNING SPOT Daniel Brousseau Hundreds of wispy strands of plasma comprising the penumbra of sunspot AR 3780 appear to reach towards the sunspot's dark core. The thousands of solar granules that surround AR 3780 in this sharp, highresolution image may look small in comparison, but each can be as large as Alaska. DETAILS: Sky-Watcher 250PDS Newtonian and ZWO ASI290MM camera. Stack of several video frames through AstroSolar and O III filters. LUNAR SKIMMING Philippe Moussette This series of images captures the Moon's passage through the edge of Earth's shadow last September 17th. The shadow slowly crept across Mare Frigoris along the north and a portion of Sinus Roris in the northwest (lower right image). DETAILS: Canon R3 camera and 600-mm lens. Composite of three images, each less than a second at f/5.6, ISO 100. sk yand tele scope .o r g * JANUARY 2025 77http://skyandtelescope.org