Nebula Deep-Dive Sh 2-273 THE BIGGER PICTURE Holy cow - the 8-inch scope fitted with the night vision device and Hα filter blew me away! This almost 6°-tall Christmas Tree Cluster required panning around, and took me completely by surprise. The Rosette hangs off the loop of the supernova remnant G205.5+0.5 like a necklace, while NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Cluster, and the Cone Nebula are part of the nebular complex to its north. If you have the interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas, on chart 60 you'll see the label NGC 2264 Cone Nebula " Monoceros Loop / VMT 10 " some 2° northeast of the Rosette. This is a small portion of the eastern arc of the loop, but the entire supernova remnant is not charted. North is up. Sh 2-273 Monoceros Loop G205.5+0.5 NGC 2244 / NGC 2239 Rosette Nebula 24 MARCH 2025 * SKY & TELESCOPE