Infrared Eye BREADTH OF OBSERVATIONS Top left: Asteroids appear as bright orange-red dots here because they are much cooler than background stars, which appear blue. Top right: The Andromeda Galaxy reveals its warped disk and waves of star formation in the dust-rich orange bands. Lower left: Infrared image of IC 2118, colloquially known as the Witch Head Nebula, a vast dust cloud in Orion lit up by the newly formed stars inside it. Lower right: Other Earth-orbiting satellites pass overhead of the WISE spacecraft, appearing like streaked raindrops. 16 APRIL 2025 * SKY & TELESCOPE ASTEROIDS: NASA / JPL-CALTECH / UCLA; M31: NASA / JPL-CALTECH / WISE TEAM; WITCH HEAD: NASA / JPLCALTECH / WISE TEAM; SATELLITES: NASA / JPL-CALTECH / WISE TEAM