F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 V O L . 9 6 N O . 2 The International Journal of Motion Imaging On Our Cover: Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) is swept into an interplanetary adventure with the fate of the Earth at stake in Jupiter Ascending, shot by John Toll, ASC. (Film frame courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.) FEATURES 28 42 54 64 72 High-Flying Heroics John Toll, ASC frames a big-screen spectacle for the genre-defying Jupiter Ascending 42 Times of Strife Bradford Young discusses the period dramas Selma and A Most Violent Year The Accidental Cinematographer John Bailey, ASC receives the Society's Lifetime Achievement Award 54 Enduring Luminary Matthew Leonetti, ASC earns the Presidents Award for distinguished work on and off the set British Vision Phil Méheux, BSC is honored with the International Award 64 DEPARTMENTS 10 12 14 18 80 82 83 84 86 88 Editor's Note President's Desk Short Takes: Follow the Camera Production Slate: Blackhat * Mommy New Products & Services International Marketplace Classified Ads Ad Index Clubhouse News ASC Close-Up: Attila Szalay - VISIT WWW.THEASC.COM - 72http://WWW.THEASC.COM