American Cinematographer Opens Online Archive to the World More than 100 years of filmmaking knowledge is now available via our website, allowing AC subscribers to dive deep into every issue since 1920. Trace the evolution of motion-picture artistry and technology - from the silent era to sound and color, from CG visual effects to digital capture and virtual production - while following the careers of the greats as they make cinema history. Digital and print AC subscribers with " Archive Access " can log in now to get instant access to more than 1,200 issues of cinematography's magazine of record at In an exclusive AC interview, Alfred Hitchcock explains his methods of working with cinematographers, production designers and editors. (AC May 1967) Len Powers, ASC details his collaboration with iconic comedians Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. (AC Oct. 1929) Read our exclusive interview with Stanley Kubrick as he details his meticulous approach to the sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. (AC June 1968) Read about the production of Citizen Kane as described by Gregg Toland, ASC himself - revealing his visual approach to one of the great examples of expressive cinematography. (AC Feb. 1941) Douglas Slocombe, BSC and Steven Spielberg discuss their close collaboration on Raiders of the Lost Ark. (AC Nov. 1981) Not an AC subscriber yet? Visit store.ascmag.com