Griselda metes out brutal revenge on a business partner who betrays her. Below: Actor Ernesto Alterio (portraying Fernando Bravo); director Andrés Baiz; Guerra; and Armando Salas, ASC review a take. fall-off toward the edges of the larger-format sensor. They are also very consistent from lens to lens. I didn't want to fight color shifts and changes in aberrations from one lens to another, which can happen with vintage glass. " Codeword: " Revanche " Baiz and Salas' prep also included screening several movies - " films that were actually completely different from what we were thinking, but provided some kind of inspiration, " Salas says. The Academy Award-nominated Austrian drama Revanche (2008), directed by Götz Spielmann and shot by Martin Gschlacht, AAC, was particularly influential because of the filmmakers' " ability to simplify coverage to the most effective single positions where the camera could possibly have been to tell the story, " Salas says. " We thought it was brilliant. 'Revanche' became our codeword, reminding us on a daily basis to simplify our approach where we could. We wanted to have a unique