A P R I L 2 0 1 5 V O L . 9 6 N O . 4 The International Journal of Motion Imaging LOOK FOR MORE AT WWW.THEASC.COM Enjoy our free, exclusive podcasts! NEW: '71 Cinematographer Tat Radcliffe shares his approach to this cat-and-mouse thriller, which COMING SOON: Mad Men Christopher Manley, ASC, discusses shooting and directing episodes of AMC's acclaimed drama, which returns for its final season on April 5. www.theasc.com/site/podcasts/ '71 photos by Dean Rogers, courtesy of Roadside Attractions. Mad Men photos by Michael Yarish and Justina Mintz, courtesy of AMC. was recently released in the U.S. by Roadside Attractions.http://WWW.THEASC.COM http://WWW.THEASC.COM http://www.theasc.com/site/podcasts/