MAY 2022 VOL. 103 NO. 5 On Our Cover: Ellen Kuras, ASC at home in New York City. (Photo by Iain Marcks.) Contents Features 16 An Eye for the Unexpected Ellen Kuras, ASC receives the Society's Lifetime Achievement Award. 30 Mastering the Airwaves Peter Levy, ASC, ACS reflects on his path to the Career Achievement in Television Award. 38 Leadership and Artistry John Lindley, ASC is honored with the Presidents Award. 16 46 2 / MAY 2022 46 Spectral Strife Suki Medencevic, ASC, ASBiH, SAS works with VFX experts to lend an eerie edge to Shining Vale. 54 Keeping Sets Safe How safety officers help to protect film professionals. Departments 8 Letter From the President 10 Shot Craft: Planning the StEM2 short film The Mission 58 The Virtual World: Virtual camera 62 Short Takes: Triangle 64 ASC Membership Roster 67 Clubhouse News 68 In Memoriam: George Spiro Dibie, ASC 70 New Products and Services 72 Wrap Shot: The Shining VISIT ASCMAG.COMhttp://www.ASCMAG.COM