During production of Jarhead (2005), Deakins stands beneath an overhead grid of space lights on Universal's Stage 12, where he and the crew created an extended twilight-to-dawn "exterior" sequence. "I chose to do that sequence onstage because we wanted to get this feeling that [the actors] were in this thick smoke, in a kind of limbo." On location for Mudbound (2017), Rachel Morrison, ASC (above right) tracks a pickup truck down a dirt road as a storm brews. For her work on the feature, Morrison became the first woman to be nominated for a Best Cinematography Oscar. "I try to choose projects that are meaningful to me and ideally have a message that will engage the audience in some form of social consciousness," she told AC. "Mudbound had the added bonus of being a period film, which is a gift to any cinematographer." uhttps://www.quasarscience.com/