◗ War Horses Stallone takes the wheel while Li rides shotgun during a carchase sequence filmed in New Orleans. Stallone called in stunt coordinator Terry Leonard and cinematographer Matthew Leonetti, ASC to shoot the complicated action sequence while Kimball remained focused on mainunit work. through Rambo’s eyes — if he were directing, what would his style be? But The Expendables is an ensemble picture, so it’s somewhat of a blend. I thought, ‘This is not supposed to hang in the Louvre.’ I wanted it to be disjointed and rough, not choreographed. If you really were filming a big battle with five cameras, [their footage] would not all flow together, so we set up the [cameras] to film the action we’d scripted and told the operators they were on their own. We said, ‘Do the best you can, and we’ll use the most interesting shots from the characters’ ➣ perspectives.’” 54 September 2010 American Cinematographer