Opposite: Cast and crew ready a scene on the set of the Kyln, an intergalactic prison. This page: This final frame reveals the addition of CGI characters Rocket and Groot. Bottom: The lighting diagram for the Kyln prison set. we had different scenarios to play within that space," the cinematographer says. "We had a day look and a nighttime lockdown setting [with the practicals at a low level or off completely], and we wanted to see that transition. When the Guardians break out of prison, there is also a red emergency-light/alarm setting." For a base ambience over the yard, Davis and his longtime gaffer, David Smith, sought to create the feel www.theasc.com of light emanating from space. To achieve this, they devised a series of overhead soft boxes filled with Panalux FloBank tungsten fluorescents gelled with ½ CTB and aimed through Full Grid textiles that had been dyed with September 2014 43http://www.theasc.com