Long Road Home Peter Flinckenberg, FSC and director David M. Rosenthal welcome AC to the Canadian set of Netflix's apocalypse road movie How It Ends. By Andrew Fish *|* 62 September 2018 W e pull up to set on day 31 of a 38-day shoot in the Canadian rural municipality of Brokenhead, northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Crew vehicles line the dirt road. The buzzing of a generator, and not much more, separates us from the silence of the surrounding forest. It's nearly sunset. Los Angeles-based Finnish cinematographer Peter Flinckenberg, FSC emerges from a path and invites us to watch the capture of a main character's pivotal decision for the Netflix road-trip thriller How It Ends. The scene's ambiance is deceptively serene, an unsettling quiet in the aftermath of a harrowing adventure. A mysterious apocalyptic event has wiped out much of the U.S. and prompted Will Younger to drive cross-country from Chicago with his future father-in-law, Tom Sutherland - a former American Cinematographer