S E P T E M B E R - ASC FEATURES 36 66 76 88 76 88 N O . On Our Cover: Isabel (Michelle Williams) grapples with a shocking revelation after returning from India to the U.S. in the feature After the Wedding, shot by Julio Macat, ASC. (Frame grab courtesy of EFilm and Sony Pictures Classics.) 52 52 2 0 1 9 V O L . 1 0 0 th 100 Anniversary - After the Wedding - Secrets and Lies Julio Macat, ASC captures director Bart Freundlich's intimate drama in a large format Stand! - Join Together Roy H. Wagner, ASC lends stylized atmosphere to director Robert Adetuyi's Canadian-produced musical Going Global The ASC continues to cross borders in its mission to share knowledge and experience Death and Nightingales - Harsh Destiny Stephen Murphy brings an anamorphic canvas to the three-part miniseries shot in Northern Ireland The Silver Branch - Energy of the Earth Katrina Costello directs and shoots this documentary portrait of life in Ireland's Burren National Park DEPARTMENTS 10 12 14 28 98 102 104 105 106 108 110 112 Editor's Note President's Desk Shot Craft: Diopters * Deep Focus * Deakinizer lenses Short Takes: The Lady in White AC Special Focus: BSC's 70th anniversary New Products & Services International Marketplace Classified Ads Ad Index ASC Membership Roster Clubhouse News ASC Close-Up: Polly Morgan - VISIT WWW.ASCMAG.COM - 9http://WWW.ASCMAG.COM