AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER ASCMAG.COM W ar erupted between China and Japan in 1937. The onset was marked by the Battle of Shanghai, which ended with the Chinese defense of the city's Sihang Warehouse against invading Japanese forces. It was a surreal scene, with harrowing bloodshed standing in stark contrast to the comforts and luxuries enjoyed by a thriving international community just across the Suzhou Creek. As Japan did not want to incite retaliation from Europe or the United States, residents of the " foreign concession " settlement had no fear of attack, and thus were in the rare position to witness, in treaty-protected safety, China's last stand in a historic clash. The Eight Hundred's striking visuals emphasize the deep incongruity between these two environments - with counterpoints in lighting and perspective achieved with the aid of cinematographer Cao Yu, ASC, CNSC, whose camerawork and creative decisions helped wrap a film about a pivotal moment in China's history and culture within an immersive Imax experience. SEPTEMBER 2021 / 31http://www.ASCMAG.COM