O C T O B E R 2 0 1 0 V O L . 9 1 N O . 1 0 The International Journal of Motion Imaging On Our Cover: Mark Zuckerberg ( Jesse Eisenberg) helps Facebook become a phenomenon in The Social Network, shot by Jeff Cronenweth, ASC. (Photo by Frank Ockenfels, courtesy of Sony Pictures.) FEATURES 28 42 54 66 With Friends Like These… Jeff Cronenweth, ASC “friends” David Fincher on the Facebook saga The Social Network Zero-Sum Game Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC and Oliver Stone manipulate the stock market for Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps Bloody Valentine Greig Fraser and Matt Reeves lend macabre ambience to the vampire drama Let Me In 42 Welcome to the Jungle Adam Arkapaw creates simmering tension for the Australian crime drama Animal Kingdom DEPARTMENTS 8 10 12 18 72 78 86 88 88 90 92 Editor’s Note President’s Desk Short Takes: “Lakairomania” Production Slate: Enter the Void • Indie 3-D Post Focus: Advanced Digital Services New Products & Services International Marketplace Classified Ads Ad Index Clubhouse News ASC Close-Up: Jim Denault 54 66 — VISIT WWW.THEASC.COM TO ENJOY THESE WEB EXCLUSIVES — ASC Conversations on Cinematography: Richard Crudo, ASC interviews Victor J. Kemper, ASC about The Friends of Eddie Coyle DVD Playback: The Ghost Writer • The Secret in Their Eyes • Red Riding trilogyhttp://WWW.THEASC.COM