the national championships. The actors were in a real car, on a real boulevard, and Duris was driving. “The camera was on a traveling car in front of them,” recounts Schiffman. “We had 50 period automobiles and the Eiffel Tower in the background; that was all real. The rest of the shot, the surrounding scenery and reflections in their car’s windshield, was added digitally.” The first competition Rose enters is the Regional Championship, which was filmed in a location normally used for small concerts. (Most sites were practical locations. A few interiors were shot onstage at Éclair Studio in Paris.) Dozens of anxious contestants are in the room, each seated at a small table with a typewriter on it. Spectators sit in the back of the room and along the sides. Everything in the room is in focus, even though cigarette smoke hangs in the air at the back of the Top: Louis coaches Rose before the International Championship begins. Bottom: The International Championship was staged in an old movie theater in Lieges, Belgium; the location required a three-day pre-light. October 2013 83