N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 V O L . 9 5 N O . 1 1 The International Journal of Motion Imaging On Our Cover: A married couple's private lives are thrown into the spotlight when the wife (Rosamund Pike) goes missing and her husband (Ben Affleck) becomes the prime suspect in Gone Girl. (Photo by Merrick Morton, courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox and Regency Enterprises.) FEATURES 36 50 64 76 Questionable Circumstance Jeff Cronenweth, ASC embraces a 6K workflow for Gone Girl Across the Heartland 50 Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC goes west with The Homesman Dark Messenger Sean Bobbitt, BSC tells a journalist's tale in Kill the Messenger Trials and Tribulations 64 Fred Elmes, ASC frames a family portrait for Olive Kitteridge DEPARTMENTS 10 12 14 22 88 94 95 96 98 100 Editor's Note President's Desk Short Takes: The Red House Production Slate: Nightcrawler * Whiplash New Products & Services International Marketplace Classified Ads Ad Index Clubhouse News ASC Close-Up: Ken Kelsch - VISIT WWW.THEASC.COM - 76http://WWW.THEASC.COM