A Big-City Dream Bojan Bazelli, ASC lends a glamorous look to the musical extravaganza Burlesque. By Iain Stasukevich •|• 76 December 2010 urlesque is the kind of movie every cinematographer dreams about — it’s eye candy,” says Bojan Bazelli, ASC. Directed by Steven Antin, the movie tells the story of Alice (Christina Aguilera), a small-town girl who moves to Los Angeles to become a singer. Her first gig is a waitressing job at the imperiled Burlesque Lounge, an old cabaret run and headlined by Tess (Cher). Alice quickly becomes infatuated with the glitz and glamour of the stage, and makes it her dream to sing from it one day. The subject matter presented the filmmakers with “B American Cinematographer