Many hours of writing and rewriting went into the script. Untold production difficulties cropped up during shooting. Remember the sweat during editing ... and that complicated mix? Now your show is ready for the lab, and you tell yourself: "1 hope everything goes right." At Capital we take special pride in the fact that we do handle your material with care. From proper timing all the way through fastidious inspection of release prints, your material is handled the right way. We never forget that it's not our material. It's yours. FILM LABORATORIES INC. 470 E ST. S.W. * WASHINGTON, D.C. 20024 ☆ PHONE (202) 347-1717 ☆ TELEX 89-2393 1998N.E. 150TH STREET-frN. MIAMI, FLA. 33161 ☆PHONE(30i;)949-42!>2'fr TELEX 51-9453 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, OCTOBER 1968 72*