Hovel light with the Focus Hocking System Ifyou thought tracking was strictly for the big productions, thinkagain. The Focus Tracking System is compact. It travels on a roof rack or packs into a large estate car. Easily. The Focus Tracking System is lightweight. One man can unload itand assemble it, or pack it up again. In minutes. The Focus Tracking System Itcarries a man is sturdy. plusa lightweightcamera and support. Ideal forvideo. The Focus Tracking System It lets you gets into small spaces. track shots in spaces too confined for conventional dollies. The Focus Tracking System is versatile. FocusTracktakesmostdollies-almostanydollygoeson Focus Track. The Focus Tracking System is economical. For hospitals, colleges, industrial units, news, commercials, whatever. The Focus Tracking System is tough. Because it's made with rugged modern materials. And a touch of genius. Focus Track is designed and manufactured exclusively by Cinefocus for distributors and agents throughout the world. Dealers required worldwide. FWENTS PENDING WORLDWIDE Telephone 01-743 2552 Cinefocus Limited I Pavilion Parade Wood Lane London W12 OHQ Cinefocus Telex 8956531 Cfocus G