The International Journal of Film and Video Production May 1989 Vol. 70 Techniques No. 5 Features 32 Somber Setting for Rachel River despite -40 temps Production succeeds King Solomon's Mines: Part I 1950 African safari a torturous journey Cinematography Awards Bestowed Colorful Flollywood gathering honors winners Major League: The Rite of Spring Sports photography infused with comedy 62 Dangerous Liaisons: Feint, Parry & Thrust Candlelight and mirrors for the faces of evil 72 Soviet/American Peace March Recorded Bi-national crew shares technology 80 Academy Rewards Scientific, Tech Advances 88 Handcranking Recreated for Documentary 94 Samburu Natives Don Shoes for Commercial 99 Fiber Bundles Go Where No Camera Has Gone Departments 10 Letters 12 What's New 28 The Bookshelf 103 VideoGram 105 Classified Ads 109 Ad Index 110 In Memoriam On Our Cover: Tom 111 From the Clubhouse 112 The Last Page Berenger is up Major League (Photo by Joyce Rudolph) to bat in Contributing Authors: Katharine Stalter Rudy Behlmer Dave Tolsky Nora Lee Ken Morrisey