Nestor Almendros BMoichserl C1KPoo9hmdo8patakn:y, Eastmn © "Our film 'Nobody Listened' is the story told by Cuban political exiles about human rights violations in their country Because the film is a documentary I didn't want any arty lighting. Most of the time we used available light or just a single soft light. I wanted the audience to be able to see the eyes of the people we interviewed. Their eyes are the mirrors of their souls. We couldn't have made this movie without today's 'fast' 16 mm Eastman color negative film. I wanted to be able to blow the negative up to 35 mm prints so it could be seen in theaters without losing contrast, increasing grain, or altering colors. When the film was shown, very few people could tell it was shot in 16 mm." Nestor Almendros, vs. ASC, won an Oscar for"Days of Heaven." Other credits include"Kramer Kramer""The Blue Lagoon""The Last Metro""Sophie's Choice" and "Places in the Heart." "Nobody Listened" won a 1988 Distinguished Achievement Award from the International DocumentaryAssociation. Eastman Motion Picture Films