0 vith 800ft After Super16 and real time on film, Aaton introduces another filmmaking innovation: the handheld 22-minute it too magazine; will become a Canon 11-165: The new classic, Superl6 zoom perfectly with the 800' magazine, allowing hand-held operation lenses balance with a full studio configuration. VideoSyncAssist: The original totally integrated flicker-free time-code color video assist with frameliĀ¬ the film and generator. AatonCode is printed on recorded in VITC for frame accurate video ne Aaton France AbelCineTech USA www.abelcine.com v. 1 818 972 9078 LA v. 1 718 273 8108 NY www.aaton.com +33 4 7642 9550 f. +33 4 7651 3491 v. editing. AATON