Steadman CAMERA SUPPORT dsRemote is manufactured by Weaver/Steadman, Inc. 1646 20th Street Santa Monica CA 90404 310.829.3296 310.828.5935 fax Dana Christiaansen Director of We chose the Photography 3-axis dsRemote for new shoot with very demanding conditions. It was a spot for Cadillac Catera and we shot three days high up in the a Rockies above ng Aspen, Colorado. The only inches above the road pff fcrane arm on a camera car e were flying down a out underextension bolted to camera was an of Denver. With this setup less than perfect road at speeds Throughout this adventure, the dsRemote's feel and responĀ¬ siveness was excellent. Prior experience with 2 and 3-axis remote heads has taught me to be very concerned with rigidity and dynamic/harmonic vibrations which affect the smoothness of the shot. This head's absolutely solid and yielded one performance was smooth shot after another. Congratulations to Weaver/Stead man!" Available at Camera Service Center (212) 757-0906 SYSTEMS