HOT LIPS. COOL LIGHT. THE ARRI POCKET PAR FLEXLIGHT SYSTEM. The flexlight system is ideal for precise tabletop applications and particularly for close-up photography. It produces over 2000 fc daylight at 3 feet with almost no heat transmission. The light intensity can be varied by focusing the Pocket Par or dimming through the electronic ballast. A set of four snap on lenses changes the beam angle from 8 to 50 degrees. Shoot hot close-ups, but keep your cool. Axm LIGHTING E-mail ARRI USA, 617 Rte. 303, Blauvelt, NY 10913 * Fax us at (914) 425-1250 * Phone (914) 353-1400 * ARRI USA, 600 N. Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502 * Fax (818) 848- 4028 * Phone (818) 841- 7070