Kodak Vision BOqT color negative film, ^h^re will *ou take i t ? CEK1taorms9detdpmankky., Viaasnroedn Kodak AND UNTIL NOW, I WAS NEVER HAPPY. WHEN I SAW THE RESULTS OF THE 800T ! WAS SHOCKED SEE THE ACTORS' MOVEMENTS- FEAR FOR A SENSE OF Tell the world your gives you more . YOU COULD BARELY JUST ENOUGH 11 AND UNKNOWN. story-with vivid shadow and highlight detail. Kodak Vision 800T film depth of field. You can use less light for a more realistic look-a look that has surprisingly low grain. And you'll get richer blacks than you've How far can more you take information, your vision with new 800T? Call your ever seen before. Kodak representative for www.kodak.com/go/motion Jens Fischer Feature film cinematographer, recently completed Kodak Vision a°0T color negative film. whPre will you take it? Wagen Ut (Way Out)