por thefirst time since Charles Clarke s 1980 edition, the AC Manualhas Been editedhg aprofessional cinematographer. The completelg revised9th edition offers contributionsfrom experts with more than 100 gears ofmotion-picture experience. Itsfeatures include.* + More tfian 3 0 new charts, + A +A + + + + inducting lighting intensitiesfor more than 9 Ofixtures. completelg revisedcamera section, rewritten tigJon Fauer, ASC new article on digitalintermediates tig Bill Feigtitner andRobert L. Eictiolz ofEFitin Warner Bros, executive Roti Ffummds update cfffus classic 'pros andcons chapter, which now includes the latest digitalpostproduction techniques A new chapter on hanging miniatures tig visual-effects wizardDan Currg Tati s tips from * Panavision lens expert Tati Migagishima The most extensive section get on motion-pictureformulas, written tig Evans Wetmore, vicepresident ofadvancedengineering at 20th Centurg Fox +A revisedchapter on motion-controltig visual-effects legendRichardEdlundAS C, who has included\the latest updates on digital technologg