MEMBER PORTRAIT RICHARD MOORE, ASC ' hen Cinerama w: was introduced in 1952, it sent the studios into veritable frenzy a developing exhibition techniques that would entice the public away from their TVs and back into theaters. That's how Panavision got 1954, and it was through its start in my involvement with them that I discovered American Cinematographer. What a perfect way, I thought, to stay current with this ever-evolving industry - read interviews with the people who are actually doing the day-to-day work! Tltere was every issue. something to be learned in Fifty years ago I read AC recorded the as it huge sea change taking place in the industry, and Tm still reading it today as it records an greater sea believe change: digitization. I more than ever that AC is essential for anyone with the even art and science reading connected of image capture and exhibition - Richard Moore, ASC TO SUBSCRIBE BY PHONE: Call (800) 448-0145 (U.S. only) (323) 969-4333 or visit the ASC web site WWW T H E A S C COM