Film and Digital Times - June 2007 - (Page 15)

Lighting with Paint Above, right: Giovanni Bellini Madonna and Child between St. Catherine and Mary Magdalen c. 1490 Oil on wood, 58 x 107 cm Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice. Soft, warm, 3/4 front lighting against a contrasting, dark, rich backdrop. It’s almost like fashion or portrait lighting. There is nothing in the background to distract from the subject. Left and above left, detail: Titian (Tiziano Vecelli) Assumption of the Virgin 1516-18 Oil on wood, 690 x 360 cm Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice. Titian’s huge altarpiece is composed in three vertical sections. The large, soft source of light comes from the right, set against a luminous sky. Litepanels Mini Plus My horror of a light attached directly on top of cameras runs deep, especially when used as the sole source of six o’clock news-style illumination when, instead, it could be used as an elegant eyelight. A recent art epiphany in Venice, led by the incomparable art historian Sandra Palou, confirmed that beginning the mid 15th century, eyes in paintings began to sparkle with life. It was almost as if the merchants of Venice began importing for Bellini, Titian, Lotto and Giorgione, little Litepanel Mini Pluses—magical, dimmable tungsten or daylight balanced LED lights. Eyelight done right is subtle and delicate, which is why the thoughtful gaffers at Litepanels have included a remote control dimmer to lower the intensity to a point where it does not wash out the face, but merely adds a twinkle to the eye. Notice how Titian and Bellini light from the side, adding a subtle fleck or glistening of white, reflected in the eye as if from a window or far-off cloud. If you’re running and gunning and desperate for exposure, at least try offsetting your Litepanel to the side with a Litepanels Articulating Arm. Litepanels Articulating Arm June 2007 15

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Film and Digital Times - June 2007

Red, Green, Blue
Aaton Penelope
Phantom Menace
Oil at NAB
Cooke Tour: How to Build a Lens
Lighting with Paint

Film and Digital Times - June 2007