Vol. 23, no. 1
A BrightEr Light
12 17 24
Advanced drilling technologies create Member Firm opportunities in burgeoning natural gas market.
Cover Feature
A CApitoL iNvEstmENt
Strategies to secure 2012 congressional action on major industry legislation.
proFEssioNAL LiABiLitY iNsurANCE survEY oF CArriErs
What every firm needs to know about purchasing professional liability protection before prices go up.
2012 ANNuAL CoNvENtioN prEviEw
Exciting program in store for attendees at industry’s largest advocacy event.
From ACEC to You
Council achieving industry “wins” despite congressional gridlock.
2 4
LEgisLAtivE ACtioN
President signs 3 percent repeal into law; House, Senate poised to act on multiyear surface transportation bills.
6 26
risk mANAgEmENt
What every engineer should know about restarting a suspended project.
28 29 32
NEws ANd NotEs
Inaugural Teaming Fair scores big; Survey: engineering students study more than peers.
mEmBErs iN thE NEws
Randy Larson named president of PSI; Louis D. Houssmann named COO of Baxter and Woodman, Inc.
BusiNEss iNsights
The “perfect” cumulative impact analysis; EJCDC unveils new contract document for contractors; need-to-know protections in contracting.
mErgErs ANd ACquisitioNs
International expansion into U.S. fuels surging M&A marketplace.
Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers.
The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Engineering Inc - January/February 2012