ENGINEERINGINC. M A R C H /A P R I L 2007 ● TA B L E OF CONTENTS Vol. 18, No. 2 Special Report THE GREENING OF WAL-MART ENERGY In an exclusive interview with ACEC, Wal-Mart’s head of sustainability explains why the world’s largest retailer decided to go “green.” 14 16 RE-ENERGIZING THE INDUSTRY The nation’s energy and power sector is booming, and ACEC member firms are at the forefront of assuring that energy needs will be met. By Darlene Bremer THE BIM BOOM New 3D modeling software is being called revolutionary for providing industry practitioners a new level of design flexibility. By Maureen Conley 22 26 HELP WANTED: LEADERS FOR TOMORROW The industry’s position in the future marketplace requires leaders with shrewd social and political acumen, in addition to state-of-the-art technical expertise. By Darlene Bremer THE PATH OF PERSEVERANCE DAV I D BISHOP Overcoming challenges and adversity have made McKissack & McKissack, the oldest minority A/E firm in the nation, a national player. By Jim Parsons 30 ACEC/PAC ACHIEVES RECORD FUNDRAISING YEAR C OV E R STORY ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Final push by several states helps achieve all-time total. Solving the nation’s energy dilemma requires the efforts of various kinds of engineering. By Alan D. Crockett 10 ACEC ANNUAL CONVENTION The Council’s Annual Convention and Legislative Summit kicks off in early May. 34 42 D E PA RT M E N T S FROM ACEC TO YOU 2 “Citizen lobbyists” critical at upcoming Annual Convention. NEWS & NOTES 4 ACEC defends the Economic Loss Doctrine; PBS debuts a new engineering show for kids; engineers show their creative sides. LEGISLATIVE ACTION 6 Congress passes increase in transportation funding; House passes major water bills. MARKET WATCH The road to energy independence runs through engineering. 8 HELPING FIRMS MANAGE HEALTHCARE COSTS 44 HealthBridge is the newest offering from the ACEC Life/Health Trust. By Patrick E. Feyen FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FOR A/E FIRMS 45 How effective FM strategies improve bottom-line results. By Brad Homan BUSINESS INSIGHTS 46 Avoiding onerous contracts; a LEED case study; self-consolidating concrete catches on. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Terracon announces several new mergers and acquisitions; Stantec acquires Vollmer. 47 ONE ON ONE 52 CH2M HILL CEO Ralph Peterson offers perspectives on nation’s alternative energy future. Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.