NEWS & NotES Big Dig Settlement: $458 Million T he joint venture of Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, which oversaw design and construction of the nation’s largest public works project—Boston’s Central Artery/Tunnel, also known as the Big Dig— has agreed to pay $407 million of a total $458 million to settle a state lawsuit stemming from leaks, a fatal ceiling collapse and other design flaws that plagued the project during construction. Several smaller companies will pay some $51 million related to cost recovery issues associated with the Big Dig as part of the overall settlement. Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff will not face criminal charges, but the settlement allows authorities to seek additional damages from the consortium in the event of a major future failure in the project causing more than $50 million in damage. The majority of the $458 million will be held in a new state trust fund to pay for future non-routine repairs and maintenance of project tunnels and roadways. ACEC/Massachusetts Executive Director Abbie Goodman said: “ACEC/Massachu- Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge is the centerpiece of the Big Dig. setts and its member firms are pleased that a settlement has been reached with the Commonwealth. “We have been actively and cooperatively working for a settlement of the issues related to the project for several years and continually advocated a single, fair, fact-based cost recovery settlement process with finality that was approved by both federal and state authorities.” The $14.79 billion Big Dig project replaced the old elevated Central Artery that ran through the heart of Boston with a series of underground tunnels, ramps and a new bridge. For a comprehensive look at the major engineering achievement embodied as the Big Dig, see the July/August 2007 issue of Engineering Inc. MaRCh / apRIl 2008 ENGINEERING INC. 800.336.DESK ENVISION. DESIGN. BUILD. 5