engineeringInc. march/april 2009 ● Table of conTenTs Vol. 20, No. 2 5 52 From ACEC to You ACEC turns 100! 3 5 29 35 busInEss EduCAtIon lEAdErshIp Celebrating business education achievements including the Senior Executives Institute. 35 44 50 52 54 100 YEArs oF InFluEnCE And ExCEllEnCE A decade-by-decade reflection on the Council’s rise to prominence along with historic Member Firm accomplishments. ACEC mEmbEr orgAnIzAtIon mAp The nationwide reach and strength of the 51-member ACEC Federation. EngInEErIng ExCEllEnCE The Engineering Excellence Awards has become the industry’s premier awards event. A lEgACY oF mEmbErshIp VAluE Key to the Council’s success has been providing value to membership. AnnuAl ConVEntIon prEVIEw Join the Council’s 100th-year anniversary celebration at the Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. publIC polICY AChIEVEmEnts Celebrating a century of legislative and regulatory achievements across all A/E business sectors. cOVEr: alaska pipEliNE, aNNE rippy/GEtty imaGEs; GOldEN GatE BridGE, hultON archiVE/GEtty imaGEs; hOOVEr dam, thiNkstOck imaGEs/JupitEr imaGEs Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.